[expand title="Story Collection Details" tag="h3" trigclass="noarrow sub"]

This collection of stories is one of Donna Washington's new CD's, "A Cup of Blood", which contains scary stories that are creepy enough to make your skin crawl long after they're over.

These stories are recommended for adults and older teens.


Each digital story can be downloaded three times. The tales featured on this collection are:

1. "Brewery of Eggshells" - 8:35
[expand title="Story Details" tag="h5" trigclass="noarrow merch" style="color:DarkMagenta"] This story is dedicated to Trish Tillman, a storyteller from my days at Northwestern University. I store the image of the swollen head looking over the side of the crib from her. This story is featured on Donna's story collection 'A Cup of Blood'. It is recommended for adults and older teens.
This digital story can be downloaded three times.
3. "The Boo Hag" - 15:45
[expand title="Story Details" tag="h5" trigclass="noarrow merch" style="color:DarkMagenta"] This is a tale about my favorite witch. A special thanks to Sherry Norfolk for showing me how to do it. This story is featured on Donna's story collection 'A Cup of Blood'. It is recommended for adults and older teens.
This digital story can be downloaded three times.
2. "Mr. Fox" - 18:36 [expand title="Story Details" tag="h5" trigclass="noarrow merch" style="color:DarkMagenta"] Cautionary tales about falling in love with the wrong man have been around for ages. All that glitters is not gold. This story is featured on Donna's story collection 'A Cup of Blood'. It is recommended for adults and older teens. This digital story can be downloaded three times.
[/expand] 4. "The Lover's Promise" - 27:41 [expand title="Story Details" tag="h5" trigclass="noarrow merch" style="color:DarkMagenta"] My son, Devin, wrote this tale when he was ten. He was born on Halloween night. Currently, he wants to be a videogame designer. I expect that he’ll be able to do anything he puts his mind to. Thank you, Devin, for being your wonderful, frightening self. This story is featured on Donna's story collection 'A Cup of Blood'. It is recommended for adults and older teens. This digital story can be downloaded three times.

Total Length - 1:10:37

Each of these digital recordings can be downloaded three times. To purchase an individual story, look in it’s ‘Story Details’ section.

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