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This story collection is a promise I've made to many, many people over the last few years. Since I traded David for the full time job of being a stay at home parent, I've been assuring people that I was going to make a recording with 'Epaminandus' on it. Since the story isn't long enough to fill an entire recording, I added a few other tales and a couple of tongue twisters to round it all out!

The result is 'Fun, Foolery, and Folktales'! All of these stories are meant to be participatory. As soon as you figure out what is going to happen next, I hope you will jump in and say the words with the recording. You can make up your own hand motions and facial expressions.
It is family friendly and great for smaller children.


The following stories are featured on Donna’s story collection, ‘Fun, Foolery, and Folktales’:

1. "Epaminandus" - 13:22
[expand title="Story Details" tag="h5" trigclass="noarrow merch" style="color:DarkMagenta"] Epaminandus is a folktale that is found is many different cultures. It is also a Jack tale called 'Foolish Jack', and a Noodle Head story. It was even redone a few years ago as a picture book entitled 'Epossomnandus'. This story is told in many different ways, but my favorite version by far is the one that comes out of the African American tradition.
This track is featured on Donna’s CD, ‘Fun, Foolery, and Folktales’. It is family friendly and great for smaller children. This digital recording can be downloaded three times.
3. "Peter Piper" - 1:17
[expand title="Story Details" tag="h5" trigclass="noarrow merch" style="color:DarkMagenta"] This tongue twister is found in the pages of Mother Goose. Alas, I do not know who Peter was, if he existed at all or why he wanted to pick peppers. This version is one I learned when I was little.
This track is featured on Donna’s CD, ‘Fun, Foolery, and Folktales’. It is family friendly and great for smaller children. This digital recording can be downloaded three times.
5. "Betty Boughta" - 1:35
[expand title="Story Details" tag="h5" trigclass="noarrow merch" style="color:DarkMagenta"] Betty is another Mother Goose tongue tangler! It also happens to be my all time favorite tongue twister! I was very excited when I finally learned how to say it really, really fast. Keep trying, I am sure you will pick it up!
This track is featured on Donna’s CD, ‘Fun, Foolery, and Folktales’. It is family friendly and great for smaller children. This digital recording can be downloaded three times.
2. "Sody Saluradus" - 10:28
[expand title="Story Details" tag="h5" trigclass="noarrow merch" style="color:DarkMagenta"] I heard Jim May tell this story ages ago. It is part of the Grandfather Tales collection. I have since heard many other tellers tell it. It can be found in a picture book that came out a few years ago. This is my contribution to the many variants of this story I have encountered over the years.
This track is featured on Donna’s CD, ‘Fun, Foolery, and Folktales’. It is family friendly and great for smaller children. This digital recording can be downloaded three times.
4. "Rumplestiltskin" - 25:33
[expand title="Story Details" tag="h5" trigclass="noarrow merch" style="color:DarkMagenta"] This story continues to be one of my favorites. I have heard quite a few variants of this tale. I started telling this story to my sister when we were both children. It is still in my repertoire after all of this time! You can find numerous renditions in picture books.
This track is featured on Donna’s CD, ‘Fun, Foolery, and Folktales’. It is family friendly and great for smaller children. This digital recording can be downloaded three times.
6. "Why Mosquitoes Buzz in People's Ears" - 12:23
[expand title="Story Details" tag="h5" trigclass="noarrow merch" style="color:DarkMagenta"] I first encountered this tale almost ten years ago. I heard Teju tell it at the Natural history Museum in Chicago. I was exposed to several different variants before I found Leo and Diane Dillon's wonderful picture book. The version that appears on this CD is a synthesis of the stories I heard with my own style thrown in for good measure. This is a fun story to share and I hope you will join me as I tell it.
This track is featured on Donna’s CD, ‘Fun, Foolery, and Folktales’. It is family friendly and great for smaller children. This digital recording can be downloaded three times.

Total Length - 1:04:38

Each of these digital recordings can be downloaded three times. To purchase an individual story, look in it’s ‘Story Details’ section.

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